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1.DongyunGuo, Chao Li, Chuanbin Wang, Qiang Shen, Lianmeng Zhang, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of multiferroic Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 thin films by sol-gel method, Acta Physica Sinica, 59(8)(2010)5772-5775.

2.Seong-Ho Ha, Kyosuke Yoshimi, Kouichi Maruyama, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Phase Formation and Solidification Routes Near Mo-Mo5SiB2 Eutectic Point in Mo-Si-B System, Materials Transactions, 51(2010) 1699-1704.

3.ShekharNath, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparatin of Ca-Si-O films by chemical vapor deposition, Surface and Coating Technology, 205(2010)2618-2623.

4.Harumi Tsutsumi, MitsuoNiinomi, Masaaki Nakai, Tatsuya Gozawa, Toshikazu Akahori, Kazumi Saito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Fabrication of hydroxyapatite film on Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr using a MOCVD technique, Materials Transactions, 51(2010)2277-2283.

5.Ryota Kobayashi, Junichi Tatami, Toru Wakihara, KatsutoshiKomeya, Takeshi Meguro, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Evaluation of grain-boundary conduction of dense AlN-SiC solid solutions by scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(2010)4026-4029.

6.Jorge Roberto Vargas Garcia, L. Beltran-Romero, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Highly (100)-oriented CeO2 films prepared on amorphous substrates by laser chemical vapor deposition, Thin Solid Films, 519(2010)1-4.

7.Shu Yu, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: SiC-SiO2 nanocomposite films prepared by laser CVD using tetraethyl orthosilicate and acetylene as precursors, Materials Letters, 64(20)(2010)2151-2154.

8.Chuanbin Wang, Takashi Goto, Rong Tu and Lianmeng Zhang: Preparation of silicon oxycarbide films by laser ablation of SiO/3C-SiC multicomponent targets, Applied Surface Science, 257(2010)1703-1706.

9.Pei Zhao, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Influence of laser power on the orientation and microstructure of CeO2 films deposited on Hastelloy C276 tapes by laser chemical vapor deposition,Applied Surface Science, 256(21)(2010)6395-6398.

10.DongyunGuo, Chao Li, ChuanbinWang, Qiang Shen, Lianmeng Zhang, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Effect of annealing temperature on multiferroic properties of Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 thin films prepared by sol-gel method, Science China-Technological Sciences, 53(6)(2010)1572-1575.

11.Pei Zhao, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: High-speed growth of YBa2Cu3O7-delta film with high critical temperature on MgO single crystal substrate by laser chemical vapor deposition, Superconductor Science& Technology, 23(2010)125010.

12.Pei Zhao, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of highly (100)-oriented CeO2 films on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates by laser chemical vapor deposition, Surface & Coatings Technology 204(21-22)(2010)3619-3622.

13.KengoFujie, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Laser chemical vapor deposition of SiC films with CO2 laser,Journal of Alloys And Compounds, 502(1)(2010)238-242.

14.HisanoriYamane, ShunsukeAbe, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: A ramsayite-type oxide, Ca2Sn2Al2O9,ActaCrystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 66 (2010)I72-U128.

15.Rong Tu, GuangshengHuo, TeiichiKimura andTakashi Goto: Preparation of Magneli phases of Ti27O52 and Ti6O11 films by laser chemical vapor deposition, Thin Solid Films 518(23)(2010)6927-6932.

16.DongyunGuo, Chao Li, Chuanbin Wang, Qiang Shen, Lianmeng Zhang, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto:Preparation of multiferroic Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 thin films by sol-gel method, ActaPhysicaSinica, 59(8)(2010)5772-5776.

17.Yu You, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto: Low temperature deposition of α-Al2O3 films by laser chemical vapordeposition using a diode laser, Applied Surface Science, 256(2010)3906-3911.

18.Yansheng Gong, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: High-speed Deposition of Oriented TiNx Films by Laser Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition,Journal of Inorganic Materials, 25(4)(2010)391-395.

19.Yu You, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto: Orientation control of alpha-Al2O3 films prepared by laser chemical vapor deposition using a diode laser,Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan, 118(1377)(2010)366-369.

20.JianfengZhang, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto: Preparation of Ni-precipitated hBN powder by rotary chemical vapor deposition and its consolidation by spark plasma sintering,Journal of Alloys And Compounds, 502(2)(2010) 371-375.

21.Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Amorphous-like nanocrystalline-Al2O3 films prepared by MOCVD, Surface and coatings Technology, 204(2010)2170-2174.

22.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto:Thermoelectric properties of Sr-Ir-O compounds prepared by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 486(2010)441-446.

23.Yansheng Gong, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto:Laser chemical vapor deposition of titanium nitride films with tetrakis (diethylamido) titanium and ammonia system, Surface and Coatings Technology, 204(2010)2111-2117.

24.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Effect of deposition rate on microstructure and thermal conductivity of YSZ films prepared by MOCVD, Ceramic Transactions, The 9th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (2008CMCEE), Nov. 11-14, 2008, Shanghai, China.Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications: Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 210, April 2010, Wiley

25.Takashi Goto, Teiichi Kimura and Rong Tu: High-speed engineering ceramic coating by laser chemical vapor deposition, Ceramic Transactions, The 9th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (2008CMCEE), Nov. 11-14, 2008, Shanghai, China. Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications: Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 210, April 2010, Wiley

26.Xinyan Yue, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto and Hongqiang Ru: Effect of alkaline earth oxides on dielectric properties of polycrystalline BaTi2O5 prepared by arc melting, Ceramic Transactions, The 9th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (2008CMCEE), Nov. 11-14, 2008, Shanghai, China. Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications: Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 210, April 2010, Wiley

27.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Kyosuke Ueda and Takayuki Narushima: Preparation of functionally graded bio-ceramics film by MOCVD, the 10th International Symposium on Multi-scale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded materials (MM & FGM 2008), Sendai, Sep. 22-25, 2008. Materials Science Forum 631-632(2010)193-198.

28.Pei Zhao, Akihiko Ito, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto:High-speed preparation of c-axis-oriented YBa2Cu3O7- film by laser chemical vapor deposition, Materials Letters, 64(2010)102-104


1.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Kyosuke Ueda and Takayuki Narushima:Precipitation behavior in a Hanks’ solution on Ca-P-O films prepared by laser CVD, Materials Transactions, 50(2009)2455-2459.

2.Yansheng Gong, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto:Effect of NH3 on the preparation of TiNx films by laser CVD usingtetrakis-diethylamido-titanium, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 485(2009)451-455.

3.Jianfeng Zhang, Leifeng Liu, Lianjun Wang, Wan Jiang, Lidong Chen, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Microstructures and mechanical properties of TiN-TiB2-Ti5Si3 composites in-situ fabricated by spark plasma sintering, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 117(10)(2009)1085-1088.

4.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Thermoelectricity of post-perovskite CaIrO3 prepared by spark plasma sintering, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 117(2009)466-469.

5.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Kyosuke Ueda and Takayuki Narushima: Apatite formation behavior on bio-ceramic films prepared by MOCVD, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 117(2009)461-465.

6.Yansheng Gong, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Microstructure and preferred orientation of titanium nitride films prepared by laser CVD, Materials Transactions, 50(2009)2028-2034.

7.Guojun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of polycrystalline BaTi2O5 ferroelectric ceramics, Materials Letters, 63(2009)2280-2282.

8.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto:Thermoelectric properties of alkaline earth ruthenates prepared by SPS, Materials Science and Engineering B, 161(2009)71-75.

9.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Thermoelectric properties of Ca-Ir-O compounds prepared by spark plasma sintering, Materials Transactions, 50(4)(2009)853-858.

10.Xinyan Yue, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto, Dielectric properties of Ba1-xCaxTi2O5prepared by arc melting, Materials Transactions, 50(2)(2009)245-248.

11.Guojun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Effect of ZrO2 addition on preparation of polycrystalline BaTi2O5 by pressureless sintering, Materials Research Bulletin, 44(2009)468-471.

12.Chuanbin Wang, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Qiang Shen and Lianmeng Zhang: Structural and optical properties of BaTi2O5 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition at different substrate temperatures, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 113(1)(2009)130-134.

13.Yuanwei Zhang, Jie Yu, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of Ca2Ti2O6pyrochlore films by MOCVD, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 152(2009)012032.

14.Xianyan Yue, Hongqiang Ru,Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Effect of MgO on dielectric properties of polycrystalline BaTi2O5 prepared by arc melting, Journal of Materials and Metallurgy, 8(2009)202-205.

15.Rong Tu, Hideroni Hirayama and Takashi Goto: Passive oxidation behavior of ZrB2-SiC eutectic composite prepared by arc melting, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 403 (2009) pp 217-220

16.Ryota Kobayashi, Junichi Tatami, Toru Wakihara, KatsutoshiKomeya, Takeshi Meguro, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Fabrication and evaluation of AlN-SiC solid solutions with p-type electrical conduction, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 403 (2009) pp 39-42.

17.Xianyan Yue, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Dielectric property of poly- and single-crystalline BaTi2O5 co-substituted with SrO and ZrO2, Key Engineering Materials 388(2009)217-220.


1.ChuanbinWang, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Qiang Shen and Lianmeng Zhang: Preparation of b-axis oriented BaTi2O5 thin films by pulsed laser deposition, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 23(3)(2008)553-556

2.Fengping Lai, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto and Jingfeng Li: Characterization of ferroelectric NaxK1-xNbO3 system films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Materials Transactions, 49(9)(2008)2076-2081.

3.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto, High temperature stability of anatase films prepared by MOCVD, Materials Transactions, 49(9)(2008)2040-2046.

4.Ryota Kobayashi, Junichi Tatami, Toru Wakihara, KatsutoshiKomeya, Takeshi Meguro, Takashi Goto and Rong Tu: Use of post-heat treatment to obtain a 2H solid solution in spark plasma sintering-processed AlN-SiC mixtures, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91(5)(2008)1548-1552.

5.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Kyosuke Ueda and Takayuki Narushima: Hydroxyapatite formation on Ca-P-O coating prepared by MOCVD, Materials Transactions, 49(8)(2008)1848-1852.

6.佐藤充孝、塗溶、後藤孝、上田恭介、成島尚之: MOCVD法によるCa-Ti-OおよびCa-P-O系傾斜機能バイオセラミックス膜の合成(Preparation of Ca-Ti-O/Ca-P-O functionally graded bio-ceramic film by MOCVD)、粉体および粉末冶金、J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, 55(5)(2008)325-330. (in Japanese)

7.Xianyan Yue, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Dielectric properties of (010) oriented Ta2O5 substituted BaTi2O5 prepared by arc melting, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 116(3)(2008)436-440.

8.Rong Tu, Hideroni Hirayama and Takashi Goto: Preparation of ZrB2-SiC composites by arc melting and their properties, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 116(3)(2008)431-435.

9.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Thermoelectric properties of Sr-Ru-O compounds prepared by spark plasma sintering, Materials Transactions, 49(3)(2008)600-604.

10.Xianyan Yue, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Dielectric property of polycrystalline ZrO2 substituted BaTi2O5 prepared by arc-melting, Materials Transactions 49(1)(2008)120-124


1.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphate films by MOCVD, Materials Transactions, 48(12)(2007)3149-3153.

2.Xianyan Yue, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: AC impedance analysis on b-axis oriented Ba1-xSrxTi2O5 prepared by an arc-melting method, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 115 (2007): 648-653

3.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of CaRuO3body by plasma sintering and its thermoelectric properties, Materials Transactions, 2007, 48(6)1529-1533.

4.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Kyosuke Ueda and Takayuki Narushima: Hydroxyapatite formation on CaTiO3film prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, Materials Transactions, 2007, 48(6)1505-1510.

5.Xianyan Yue, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Dielectric properties of poly- and single-crystalline Ba1-xSrxTi2O5, Materials Transactions, 2007, 48(5)984-989

6.ChuanbinWang, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto: Effect of oxygen partial pressure on structure and dielectric property of BaTi2O5 films prepared by laser ablation, Materials Transactions, 2007, 48(3): 625-628

7.ChuanbinWang, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto: Ferroelectric BaTi2O5 thin film prepared by laser ablation, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 2007, 25(2): 304-307

8.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Effect of oxygen partial pressure on electrical conductivity of Ca-Ru-O compounds prepared by spark plasma sintering, Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565 (2007) pp. 595-598 Pricm6

9.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Kyosuke Ueda and Takayuki Narushima: Hydroxyapatite formation on calcium phosphate coated titanium, Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565 (2007) pp. 1513-1516 Pricm6

10.Akira Ibano, Kyosuke Yoshimi, Akira Yamauchi, Rong Tu, Kouichi Maruyama, Kazuya Kurokawa and Takashi Goto: High temperature oxidation behavior of MoSi2 in low pressure atmosphere, Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565 (2007) pp. 427-430 Pricm6

11.Takashi Goto, Teiichi Kimura and Rong Tu: High-speed preparation of titania films by laser chemical vapor deposition, Proceeding of Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2007, 117-126.

12.ChuanbinWang, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto: Epitaxial growth of b-axis oriented BaTi2O5 films by laser ablation, Key Engineering Materials, 352(2007)311-314.

13.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Kyosuke Ueda and Takayuki Narushima: Hydroxyapatite formation on MOCVD-CaTiO3 coated Ti, Key Engineering Materials, 352(2007)301-304.

14.Xianyan Yue, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: A.C. impedance spectroscopy of b-axis oriented SrO substituted BaTi2O5 prepared by arc-melting, Key Engineering Materials, 352(2007)277-280.

15.NittayaKeawprak, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Nonstoichiometric composition and densification of CaRuO3 by SPS, Key Engineering Materials, 352(2007)251-254.

16.ChuanbinWang, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto: Structure and electric property of BaTi2O5 films by laser ablation, Key Engineering Materials (Electroceramics in Japan X), 350(2007)103-106.


1.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto, Dielectric properties of poly- and single- crystallineBaTi2O5, Materials Transactions, 47(12)(2006)2898-2903.

2.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto, Preparation of pyrochlore Ca2Ti2O6 by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, Materials Transactions, 47(10)(2006)2603-2605.

3.Mitsutaka Sato, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation conditions of CaTiO3 film by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, Materials Transactions, 47(5)(2006)1386-1390.

4.Wenjun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of TiC-TiB2-SiC ternary eutectic composites by arc-melting and their characterizations, Materials Transactions, 47(4)(2006)1193-1197.

5.Wenjun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of directionally solidified TiB2-TiC eutectic composites by a floating zone method, Materials Letters, 60(2006)839-843.

6.佐藤充孝、塗溶、後藤孝、上田恭介、成島尚之: MOCVD法による傾斜組成生体適合性膜の作製(Preparation of graded biocompatible films by MOCVD)、傾斜機能材料(Functionally Graded Materials), vol. 20 (2006)109-114. (in Japanese)

7.伊庭野朗、吉見享祐、丸山公一、山内啓、黒川一哉、塗溶、後藤孝:SPS法によって合成したAl添加およびB添加MoSi2多結晶体の1500oC低圧下での耐酸化特性、耐熱金属材料123委員会研究報告、47(3)(2006) 先進耐熱材料分科会381-392.(in Japanese)

8.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Phase orientation of a TiC-TiB2-SiC ternary eutectic composite prepared by an FZ method, Materials Science Forum, 534-536 (2006) 1057-1060.


1.Wenjun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of TiB2-SiC eutectic composite by an arc-melted method and its characterization, Materials Transactions, 46(11)(2005)2504-2508.

2.MasatomoYashima, Rong Tu, Takashi Goto and Hisanori Yamane: Crystal structure of the high-temperature paraelectric phase in barium titanateBaTi2O5, Applied Physics Letters, 87(10)(2005)101909-1-101909-3.

3.Wenjun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of directionally solidified B4C-TiB2-SiC ternary eutectic composites by a floating zone method and their properties, Materials Transactions, 46(9)(2005)2067-2072.

4.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Corrosion behavior of Hastelloy-XR alloy in O2 and SO2 atmosphere, Materials Transactions, 46(8)(2005)1882-1889.

5.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Thermal cycle resistance of yttria stabilized zirconia films prepared by MOCVD, Materials Transactions, 46(6)(2005)1318-1323.

6.木村禎一, 塗溶, 後藤孝:レーザーCVD法によって合成したYSZ膜のナノ構造 (Nano-structure of YSZ films prepared by laser CVD), 日本金属学会誌(J. Japan Inst. Metals), 69(1)(2005)12-16. (in Japanese)

7.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Preparation of rutile and anatase TiO2films by MOCVD, Materials Science Forum, 475-479(2005)1219-1222.


1.後藤孝, 木村禎一, 塗溶:CVD法によるナノポア分散ジルコニアの高速合成と遮熱性向上(High-speed deposition of nano-pore dispersed zirconia by CVD and improvement of thermal barrier performance), 粉体および粉末冶金(J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy), 51(11)(2004)921-928. (in Japanese)

2.Rong Tu, Teiichi Kimura and Takashi Goto: High-speed deposition of yttria stabilized zirconia by MOCVD, Surface and Coatings Technology, 187(2004)238-244.

3.塗溶, 木村禎一, 後藤孝:CVD法によって合成したYSZ膜中におけるナノポアの傾斜構造 (Graded structure of nano-pore in YSZ films prepared by chemical vapor deposition), 傾斜機能材料論文集(FGM2004)、第3回傾斜機能材料の実用化に関するワークショップ資料, 財団法人航空宇宙技術振興財団、傾斜機能材料研究会、85-90. (in Japanese) 1

4.Rong Tu, Teiichi Kimura and Takashi Goto: Microstructure of YSZ films prepared by MOCVD, Proc. Symposia of IUMRS-ICAM, Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 8-13, 2003, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol. 29, NO. 2, March 2004, 29(2)(2004)389-392.


1.Rong Tu andTakashi Goto: Corrosion behavior of ceramics-coated Hastelloy-XR alloy in an Ar-SO2 Atmosphere, Materials Transactions, 44(5)(2003)962-967.

2.Rong Tu and Takashi Goto: Oxidation of Hastelloy-XR alloy for corrosion-resistive glass-coating, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 19(1)(2003)19-22.


1.Rong Tu, Teiichi Kimura and Takashi Goto: Rapid synthesis of yttria-partially-stabilized zirconia by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, Materials Transactions, 43(9)(2002)2354-2356.

2.QiangShen, LianmengZhang, Rong Tu: Effect of Mo addition on the wettability between NiAl and TiC, Key Engineering Materials 224-2(2002)501-504.


1.Rong Tu, Takashi Goto, Lidong Chen, Toshio Hirai and Lianmeng Zhang: Corrosion behavior of glass coated Hastelloy-XR in boiling sulfuric acid, Materials Transactions, 42(10)(2001)2093-2097.

2.Rong Tu, Toshio Hirai and Takashi Goto: Corrosion behavior of glass-coated Hastelloy-XR alloy in boiling H2SO4solution and SO2atmosphere, Proc. 18th Int. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics, Kagoshima, Japan, Nov. 20-22, 2001. p. 521-525.


1.Qiang Shen, Lianmeng Zhang, Junguo Li, Rong Tu, L. D. Chen: Effects of Sn+ion implantation on the thermoelectric properties of n-type lead telluride, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 15(5)(1999)483-485.

2.张联盟,沈强,李俊国,王国梅,涂溶,陈立东,平井敏雄: Sn离子注入PbTe的热点性能及其微观结构(Thermoelectric properties and structure of Sn implanted lead telluride), 物理学报 (ActaPhysicaSinica), 48(12)(1999)2334-2342. (in Chinese)

3.陳立東, 塗溶, 後藤孝, 平井敏雄: ガラス被覆したPbTeの耐酸化性に及ぼすガラス組成の影響 (Effect of glass composition on the oxidation resistivity of glass-coated PbTe), 日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 (Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan), 107(6)(1999)591-594. (in Japanese)

4.Lianmeng Zhang, Qiang Shen, Gang Wang, Lidong Chen, Rong Tu and Toshio Hirai: Electrical properties and structure of Sn+ ion implantation polycrystalline lead telluride, Proc. 5th Int. Sympos. on Functionally Graded Materials, Editor: W. A. Kaysser, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 26-29, 1998. Materials Science Forum, 308-311(1999)717-724.

5.Qiang Shen, Lianmeng Zhang, Gang Wang, Lidong Chen, Rong Tu and Toshio Hirai: Effects of Sn+ ion implantation and post-implantation annealing on the thermoelectric properties of n-type PbTe in FGM design, Proc. 5th Int. Sympos. on Functionally Graded Materials, Editor: W. A. Kaysser, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 26-29, 1998. Materials Science Forum, 308-311(1999)711-716.

6.Lidong Chen, Takashi Goto, Rong Tu, ChengyanGuo and Toshio Hirai: Preparation and corrosion resistance of graded glass coating, Proc. 5th Int. Sympos. on Functionally Graded Materials, Editor: W. A. Kaysser, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 26-29, 1998. Materials Science Forum, 308-311(1999)256-261.


1.沈强,涂溶,张联盟:热电材料的研究进展(Recent development in thermoelectric materials), 硅酸盐通报 (Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society), 17(4)(1998)23-27. (in Chinese)

2.沈强,张联盟,涂溶: 复合热电材料的梯度结构设计 (Design of the thermoelectric materials with graded structure), 材料工程(Materials Engineering), sup.(1998)289-291. (in Chinese)

3.涂溶,陈立东,後藤系,平井敏雄:PbTe热电材料的高温氧化行为 (Oxidation behavior of lead telluride), 材料研究学报 (Chinese Journal of Materials Research), 12(6)(1998)636-639. (in Chinese)

4.Lidong Chen, Takashi Goto, Rong Tu and Toshi Hirai: Oxidation resistance of glass coated PbTe, Proc. 17th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Nagoya, Japan, (May 24-28, 1998), p. 539-542.


1.沈强,涂溶,张联盟,袁润章:Ni3Al/TiC梯度功能材料的残留应力与工作应力的计算及其微观结构优化 (Residual and working stresses calculation and structure optimization of TiC/Ni3Al FGMs),材料研究学报 (Chinese Journal of Materials Research), 11(1)(1997)97-100. (in Chinese)

2.陳立東, 後藤孝, 塗溶, 平井敏雄: ガラス被覆したPbTeの高温酸化 (Oxidation behavior of oxidation-resistive glass-coated PbTe), 粉体および粉末冶金 (Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy), 44(7)(1997)653-657. (in Japanese)

3.涂溶,欧阳美环,赵忠,张联盟:TiC-Ni3Al复合材料的低温致密化 (Low-temperature densification of TiC-Ni3Alcomposites), 科学通报(Chinese Science Bulletin), 42(5)(1997)449-453. (in Chinese)

4.Lidong Chen, Takashi Goto, Rong Tu and Toshi Hirai: High-temperature oxidation behavior of PbTe and oxidation-resistive glass coating, Proc. 16th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Dresden, Germany, (Aug. 26-29, 1997), p. 251-254.

5.Qiang Shen, XinfengTang, Rong Tu, Lianmeng Zhang and Runzhang Yuan: Optimum design and fabrication of TiC/Ni3Al-Ni functionally graded materials, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, Tsukuba, Japan, (Oct. 21-24, 1996), Edited by Ichiro Shiota and Yoshinari Miyamoto, (1997), p. 47-52.

6.Rong Tu, Qiang Shen, Jinsong Hua, Lianmeng Zhang and Runzhang Yuan: Fabrication of Al-Cu FGM with functionally graded density profiles, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, Tsukuba, Japan, (Oct. 21-24, 1996), Edited by Ichiro Shiota and Yoshinari Miyamoto, (1997), p. 307-311.


1.张联盟,涂溶,张清杰:稳态TiC/Ni3Al梯度功能材料的热应力和组成分布优化 (Heat-insulation stress of a TiC/Ni3Al FGM in steady-state and its compositional distribution optimization), 硅酸盐学报 (J. Chinese Ceram. Soc.), 24(8)(1996)418-423. (in Chinese)


1.张联盟,涂溶,袁润章:梯度功能材料的研究进展及新动向 (Development progress and trend of FGM), 中国陶瓷工业 (Chinese Ceram. Tech.), 2(1)(1995)23-26. (in Chinese)

2.张联盟,涂溶,沈强,平井敏雄:TiC/Ni3Al梯度功能材料的微观结构控制与低温致密化 (Structural optimization and densification in low-temperature for TiC/Ni3Al FGM), 中国有色金属学报(Transaction of the Nonferrous Metals Society of China), 5(1995)615-619. (in Chinese)

3.张联盟,涂溶,李俊国,平井敏雄:热应力缓和型梯度功能材料的微观结构优化 (Structural optimization method for thermal stress relaxation type FGM), 中国有色金属学报(Transaction of the Nonferrous Metals Society of China), 5(1995)620-623. (in Chinese)

4.张联盟,涂溶,袁润章:Mo对TiC-Ni3Al的润湿性的影响(Effect of Mo additive on the wettability of TiC and Ni3Al), 复合材料学报 (Acta Material Composite Sinica), 12(4)(1995)22-29. (in Chinese)

5.Lianmeng Zhang, Rong Tu and Runzhang Yuan: A general rule of design for the optimum compositional gradation of ceramic/metal FGMs, Proc. 3rd Int. Sym. on Structure and Functional Gradient Materials, Edited by B. Ilschner and N. Cherradi, Presses Polytechniques et UniversitairesRomandes, Switzerland, (1995), p. 273-278.

6.涂溶,张联盟,袁润章:梯度功能材料的回顾与展望(Review of study on FGM and its trend), CMRS'95, 第1卷:新型功能材料,第1分册,中国材料研究学会,化学工业出版社,(1995), p. 347-352. (in Chinese)

7.张联盟,刘江,涂溶:自蔓延燃烧法合成Ni3Al及其微观结构控制(Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Ni3Al and its structure control), CMRS'95, 第1卷:新型功能材料,第1分册,中国材料研究学会,化学工业出版社,(1995), p. 332-336. (in Chinese)

8.沈强,涂溶,张联盟:静态及稳态TiC/Ni3Al梯度功能材料的热应力二次优化 (Second optimum thermal stresses for TiC/Ni3Al FGM in static and steady state), CMRS'95, 第1卷:新型功能材料,第1分册,中国材料研究学会,化学工业出版社,(1995), p. 304-309. (in Chinese)

9.涂溶,谢济仁,张联盟:TiC的低温致密化及其微观结构 (Low-temperature-densification of TiC and its microstructure), CMRS'95, 第1卷:新型功能材料,第1分册,中国材料研究学会,化学工业出版社,(1995), p. 299-303. (in Chinese)

10.涂溶,李俊国,唐新峰:TiC-Ni3Al复合材料的润湿性改善 (Wettability of TiC-Ni3Al composites and improvement), CMRS'95, 第1卷:新型功能材料,第1分册,中国材料研究学会,化学工业出版社,(1995), p. 245-249. (in Chinese)

11.张联盟,刘江,涂溶: TiC-Ni3Al复合材料的性能及TiC/Ni3Al梯度功能材料的微观结构优化 (Properties of TiC-Ni3Al composites and structural optimization of TiC/Ni3Al FGM), CMRS'95, 第1卷:新型功能材料,第1分册,中国材料研究学会,化学工业出版社,(1995), p. 240-244. (in Chinese)


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